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From Slums to Fine Dining: Mariya Un Noun’s Culinary Mission for Social Change in Cambodia

Undertake on an inspirational ride with Chef Mariya, whose story is a tribute to resilience and talent. From humble beginnings in a Cambodian slum to becoming a renowned culinary artist, Mariya’s path is one of unwavering determination and opportunity.

Discover Mariya’s remarkable transformation from a vulnerable child to a culinary sensation,through the support of Hannes Schmid. Witness her unexpected culinary mastery that caught the attention of industry luminaries, drove her to pursue education as a chef in Switzerland.

Today, Mariya stands as a guiding light, leading the charge in introducing Nouvelle Khmer Cuisine to the world. Join her as she shares the secrets of Cambodian ingredients, the influence of Khmer cuisine, and her vision for a brighter future.Prepare to be inspired by Mariya’s culinary journey, with an exclusive recipe awaiting you at the end.

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